Analysis of the finals of the 2021 ECDDC

The finals were two out of three games to 21 points. The team of Conrad Damon and Daniel O'Neill played Jim Elsner and Jordan Huston. Conditions were pretty good, warm and humid with a fairly light and only somewhat variable wind.

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Here's a quick summary of the scoring in those three games:

Game 1: CD/DO vs JE/JH

Video begins with CD/DO up 2-0.

2-1      DO lefty off is out
4-1      JH sidearm rally is long, JE drops backhand rally shot
4-3      CD/DO doubled by slow backhand; DO off needed to be quicker
5-3      JE tips UD lead after JH front tip, drops it
5-5      CD bad tip, DO drops backhand attack
5-6      CD lets JH lefty off land in
6-6      JE righty off is wide
7-6      CD solo offside winner vs JE
8-6      JE lets deep DO serve land in
9-6      JH UD lead is wide
10-6     JE backhand lead is wide
12-6     JE/JH (barely) doubled after nice double-tip escape by CD/DO
12-8     CD's off is short as DO drops his tip
13-8     JE bails on deep lead from DO
13-9     DO bad tip; CD/DO very nearly doubled earlier
13-10    CD dump attack long
14-10    JH burn is out
14-11    DO bad tip
14-12    DO lead out after rally shot crowded him
15-12    JE bails on low lefty lead
15-13    CD bad tip
15-14    CD turfs a staker burn
17-14    CD dump tangles JE/JH, both discs land in
17-14    JE two-finger lead is out, JH dump is in
18-14    CD solo offside winner vs JE
18-16    CD/DO doubled on JH dump (wrong call); nearly doubled earlier
18-16    CD lets JH off land in, JE burn is short
18-17    DO burn is wide
18-18    DO lead is short
19-18    JH bails on CD dump attack
19-20    CD/DO doubled; needed quick CD off or double tip from DO
20-20    CD dump attack sticks in back corner
20-21    CD drops tip (infamous hat screen)
21-21    JH quick off of CD dump is wide
22-21    CD solo offside winner vs JE
24-21    CD solo dump winner vs JE, JH lead is wide; DO with fantastic milk just before

Game 2: CD/DO vs JE/JH

0-2      CD/DO crossed up by JE dump attack, let both land in
2-2      JE/JH crossed up by CD dump attack, let both land in
3-2      JH serve out
3-3      DO wrist flip off is wide
4-3      CD dump attack gets over JH
5-3      JH UD lead is long
5-4      CD solo dump attack is wide
5-5      CD serve is wide
5-6      JH burn out of escape is a winner
5-7      CD serve is wide
5-9      DO lead is wide, CD burn is short
6-9      JH UD off is wide
7-9      JE lead is short
7-10     DO off is short
7-11     DO lead is long
7-12     CD burn out of escape is wide
9-12     CD offside attack leads to double bail
9-13     DO bails on deep backhand attack by JE; nice double-tip escape earlier by JE/JH
9-14     DO forgets to catch JE rally shot
11-14    JE/JH tangled and doubled on CD dump attack
11-15    CD serve wide
12-15    JH off is wide
12-16    DO rally shot is wide
13-16    JH serve is wide
13-17    DO rally shot is long
13-18    JE solo backhand winner vs DO
13-19    DO lead is short
14-19    JH burn is short
14-21    CD bad tip and DO bad tip

Game 3: CD/DO vs JE/JH

1-0      JH bad tip of CD staker burn
1-0      CD solo burn long, JH off wide
2-0      JH UD lead wide
2-1      CD dump attack long
3-1      JH bad tip of CD offside burn (Cody-level hero tip)
4-1      CD solo offside winner vs JE
6-1      JE lead is long, JH backhand follow is wide
6-2      DO serve wide
7-2      JE bails on DO lead, it lands in
9-2      JE backhand attack is long, they forget to catch incoming rally shot
9-2      CD bails on JE lead, JH burn rolls long; nice tip by DO
10-2     JH UD lead is wide
10-3     CD bails on lead after wrong call
10-4     DO drops solo JE burn
10-4     JE rally is long, DO lead is wide
11-4     JH solo burn rolls out
12-4     JH serve out
13-4     CD burn winner out of escape
14-4     JE off is wide
14-5     CD solo offside burn is wide
15-5     JE lets CD serve land in
16-5     CD solo burn winner vs JE
16-6     DO off is wide
16-7     DO lead is wide
17-7     JH off is wide; long rally
19-7     DO off and CD follow out of escape land in; two nice tips by DO
19-9     CD drops lead as DO tips (drops it? not sure but scores make sense that way)
20-9     JE drops lead as JH tips
20-10    DO drops JH burn
20-10    JE rally out, DO lead out
20-11    JE solo winner vs DO
20-12    DO lead is long
20-13    CD staker dump is long
21-13    JE rally shot is wide


Here's yet another attempt to break down scoring in DDC, into common ways of throwing out and defensive mistakes. Most of the categories are self-explanatory. I considered a "bail" to be any disc that a player lets land in, for any reason - they may have thought it was out, or were concerned about getting doubled. In general I set the bar high for the defense - a team is expected to escape everything unless a clear winner was thrown.

Serve/rally OUT3234
Lead OUT8055
Doubling shot OUT1523
Solo attack OUT0301
Quick off OUT4125
Dropped tip3412
Winner (good)0720


Out throw16111218

The number are fairly even between the teams, which makes sense given the results. The first game was very close, and the last two were blowouts in different directions.