Game 1 0-1 DH bad tip 1-1 SK wrist flip off is out 2-1 SK lead is deep 2-2 RL scoober dump winner over CD 3-2 SK rally shot wide 4-2 RL two-finger lead wide 5-2 RL solo two-finger burn wide 5-3 DH bails, bad call 7-3 RL/SK doubled, wrong call (Tip, should have been Go) 8-3 SK lead is deep 8-5 DH/CD double bail (DH thinks disc is out, late hold call) 8-6 DH bails on low hyzer lead 9-6 RL bad angle call 9-7 CD bad tip on high two-finger 9-8 DH lead wide 10-8 RL bad tip 11-8 RL two-finger lead wide 13-8 SK two-finger burn long, drops low CD sidearm (burn to protect from CD at front) 13-9 DH two-finger burn short 13-10 CD sidearm serve wide 13-11 CD UD lead wide 13-12 RL bh burn winner vs DH 13-12 SK burn short, DH drops tip 13-13 DH lead is wide 13-14 DH lets RL rally shot land in 13-15 CD drops RL dump Game 2 1-0 RL bad tip 2-0 SK rally shot deep 2-1 DH lefty sneaker rally shot is short [great rally] 2-2 DH two-finger burn rolls out back (RL/SK were doubled just before) 3-2 RL drops lefty serve 4-2 RL drops a throw (video skipped this point) 4-3 CD drops SK sidearm attack 5-3 SK solo two-finger burn out back 5-4 CD drops SK sidearm attack 5-4 RL bh off is short, SK throws two-finger winner (CD lays out, drops it) 6-4 SK bh off wide 7-4 SK dump is long (good thing - CD picked by DH) 8-4 SK quick bh off is short 8-5 DH bad tip on scoober lead 8-6 DH bails after wrong call (Go called, should have been Tip) 9-6 RL scoober solo burn is short 9-7 CD quick UD off is short (should have tipped) 9-8 CD bh rally shot is wide 9-9 DH bh lead is wide (sat right at line) 9-10 CD lets SK long two-finger burn land in 9-10 CD and SK serves are long 9-11 RL bh burn serve winner in corner 10-11 RL bails after double tip 10-12 CD lets RL flat two-finger go, it is just in 11-12 RL bails on lead, it lands in (great rally, triple tip escape by DH/CD) 12-12 SK short bh burn 13-12 CD dump winner over SK (preceded by narrow escape with good milk by CD) 13-13 DH bails on lead after misread 13-14 DH short two-finger burn (from front line, doh) 14-14 RL bails on lead after switchy solo burn 14-14 DH bad tip, RL dump goes long 14-16 DH/CD doubled after extremely ill-advised and poorly thrown CD burn on serve Game 3 [Note the two figures walking on the hill behind the courts. That's my family. My son Nick was too upset after the first two games to keep watching.] 0-0 RL bails on UD lead, DH two-finger burn short 1-0 SK quick wrist-flip off is short 2-0 CD solo two-finger burn winner dropped by RL 4-0 RL/SK doubled on hard two-finger, SK off not in time 5-0 RL bad brush tip 6-0 SK bh burn long 7-0 CD solo two-finger winner offside 8-0 RL two-finger lead is wide 9-0 RL quick bh off is short (very close to double) 9-1 CD bad tip 10-1 RL bad tip 10-3 CD late/no call, double bail (bad positioning kills) 11-3 RL bad tip 11-4 CD bad tip of steep scoober 11-5 CD bails on lead after overturned double call (it was two) 12-5 RL solo bh burn is short 13-5 RL takes long way, does not catch rally shot 13-6 DH bh serve is long 13-7 DH bh lead is wide 15-7 RL/SK doubled on lefty+sidearm attack Game 4 0-1 CD two-finger off lead is wide 1-1 RL dropped tip (may have been two if dropped disc touched RL) 1-2 CD lets short lead land in 2-2 SK very quick off is wide (had time with RL's tip) 2-3 DH quick wrist flip off is wide (nice catch of hard RL two-finger) 3-3 SK bh serve is long 3-4 RL scoober dump winner over DH 4-4 SK bh off is short 4-4 CD tip dropped as RL scoober dump is wide (CD picked by DH) 4-5 CD calls angle, retracts call and lets it land in 5-5 RL bails on lead (well-timed attack) 5-6 DH lefty rally shot is wide 6-6 RL bh burn on serve is short 8-6 Double drop by RL/SK on counterattack 9-6 SK lefty rally shot is long 11-6 SK drops DH lefty rally shot as RL throws bh lead wide 12-6 CD solo offside winner 12-7 DH offside just short (as SK barrels through RL) 14-7 RL bad tip, SK off is wide (lefty+sidearm attack) 15-7 CD solo dump dropped by SK Game 5 1-0 RL drops rally shot 2-0 RL shanks lefty bh lead 2-0 CD bad tip, RL burn is short 2-1 DH bh off is wide 2-2 CD sidearm rally shot is wide (misread wind) 2-3 RL bh burn winner after short DH serve 3-3 SK offside burn scoots wide 4-3 SK two-finger attack is wide 4-4 DH bails on SK two-finger attack (may not have heard tip call, timing was good) 5-4 RL solo offside is wide 6-4 SK picked by DH bh rally, travels then sets disc down (almost a double) 7-4 RL lets short DH bh off land in 8-4 SK drops CD sidearm rally shot (which lifted) 8-4 Endangerment called (CD originally and mistakenly thought SK attack was not a burn) 8-6 Double bail by DH/CD on Go call 9-6 SK short off after good DH offside 9-7 DH lefty rally shot is wide 10-7 SK drops slow offside burn by DH 10-8 DH bad tip on RL scoober burn 10-9 DH drops good RL offside burn out of counterattack 11-9 RL scoober rally shot is wide 11-10 Lift on tip by DH during double-tip escape 12-10 SK wrist-flip off is wide 12-11 SK hard burn winner after CD leaves him short 13-11 SK solo burn is wide 13-12 DH drops hard high burn (fortunately, bad Tip call by CD) 14-12 RL bails as SK tips (or maybe lifts) on lefty+sidearm attack 14-13 DH lets SK dump land in 15-13 RL bad tip on lefty+sidearm attack
Here's yet another attempt to break down scoring in DDC, into common ways of throwing out and defensive mistakes. Most of the categories are self-explanatory. I considered a "bail" to be any disc that a player lets land in, for any reason - they may have thought it was out, or were concerned about getting doubled. The four doubles that occurred are not included below. In general I set the bar high for the defense - a team is expected to escape everything unless a clear winner was thrown.
What | CD | DH | RL | SK |
Serve/rally OUT | 4 | 3 | 1 | 5 |
Lead OUT | 1 | 4 | 5 | 3 |
Doubling shot OUT | 0 | 5 | 3 | 7 |
Solo attack OUT | 0 | 1 | 5 | 2 |
Quick off OUT | 2 | 2 | 2 | 9 |
Drop | 2 | 2 | 5 | 6 |
Dropped tip | 5 | 6 | 7 | 0 |
Bail | 7 | 9 | 8 | 0 |
Winner (good) | 4 | 0 | 5 | 2 |
What | CD | DH | RL | SK |
Out throw | 7 | 15 | 16 | 26 |
Drop | 14 | 15 | 20 | 6 |
I'm not sure this tells us anything we didn't already know, though there are some interesting wrinkles. Sam had no dropped tips, which tells us both that he's a very good defensive front, and that he was the only player who did not play back in the match. There seemed to be a high number in the "bail" category; that may have been the changing wind direction.